The (s)election for the next leader of America is over and while I would enjoy being able to breathe a sigh of relief, instead my brow is furrowed as a field of turnips and I must shake my head as the fervent clapping of the slave-class seals roars in my ears.
A friend of mine made a post on a social media site with the following image:
Is anyone else disgusted with the self-aggrandizement of Donald Trump? Well, OK, I will admit that there is nothing wrong with feeling good about ones accomplishments, but really, isn’t it more at narcissistic psychopathy?
Perhaps more disgusting are the people that fall to their knees in adoration and pledge fealty to this man, (any man!), rather than turning to their higher spiritual self and trusting instead their own intuition of self preservation and personal agendas.
I am not a man that trusts in the institutions of men. No. Men who seek power are not to be trusted. Perhaps in battle, but only if, after the battle be won, the generals leave me the hell alone.
I am sometimes known among people that know me as a bigoted anti-semitic. It is not as though there is a wish by myself to cause harm to any particular race of peoples, but the record of the sadistic acts of the jew are well documented in their own religious texts and in todays news. In this, the self proclaimed “chosen” are as perverse and demented as any other race showing a less human/more animal behavior. Ask any Goy.
To be quite honest, none of what goes on in the Middle East is any of my concern. The cults that have sprung from that hell-hole have nothing to do with my personal ancient history and where my peoples were derived from.
The new administration’s cabinet is being filled with Zionist of every form and frankly it is quite disturbing to me. The agenda of the Global Zionists should be of concern to everyone on the planet.
Religion has for ever been a tool of control. Maybe that its second goal, just after “hey, I acknowledge there is stuff I don’t know”. But a tool it is and never has it been more obvious than now as Zio-Christians roll in the pews speaking in the tongues of disillusioned Q-Speak. (Trust the plan, The White Hats Are Coming To Save You… et al).
And make no mistake, when the time comes and you stick up for the moral standards you use to run your own life and it doesn’t jive with the Trumpanzees, you will be burned at the stake.
I seem to have lost track of what I trying to express.
Oh yes, disgust.
From the Webster 1828 Dictionary:
DISGUST, noun [Latin]
1. Disrelish; distaste; aversion to the taste of food or drink; an unpleasant sensation excited int he organs of taste by something disagreeable, and when extreme, producing loathing or nausea.
2. Dislike; aversion; an unpleasant sensation in the mind excited by something offensive in the manners, conduct, language or opinions of others. Thus, obscenity in language and clownishness in behavior excite disgust
DISGUST, verb transitive
1. To excite aversion in the stomach; to offend the taste.
2. To displease; to offend the mind or moral taste; with at or with; as, to be disgusted at foppery, or with vulgar manners. To disgust from is unusual and hardly legitimate.
Here is what I cannot get past: That men choose to be ruled by those of the lowest virtue and character.
It has always been this way and is the primary reason humanity has not changed over the millennia. Until people choose to rule themselves, without fear, coercion, or violence, it will remain so.
Stop applauding the lowest and maybe set your sights a little higher.
I will leave this link here to one of the wisest pieces of literature you may ever read:
Étienne de La Boétie, “Discourse on Voluntary Servitude”
Wow. Now I don’t know what to get you for Christmas. I thought for sure you would want one of those neato, cool bibles. 😂
I just reread your post. It is thoughtful and it evokes the reader to think.
I am hoping to get myself to a more peaceful, productive place. I have given in to anger this past month. Now I want to take a time to ready myself for the resistance to the powers who think that I will buckle.
I am weary, but I will not falter.
I tire, but I will fall.
I cry out in the darkness,
but I will find the light.